Monday, June 16, 2008

It's All Relative......

After watching the short video presentation concerning the 71/2 habits of highly effective learners, I have decided that I am a life long learner....with conditions. At my advancing age, I do not want to waste valuable mental storage space with unnecessary or unwanted junk. I am already discovering important information that has been crowded out by trivial stuff, so I am going to be much more selective in what I store in the old metaphorical attic. The easiest habit for me is #1---beginning with the end in mind. Envisioning the end product is not hard for dreamers. The hardest habit is #3---viewing problems as challenges rather than stop signs. I have a tendency to hit a speed bump and stop rather than slow down and continue. All of this leads to habit #4---having confidence in yourself as a competent and effective learner. In my opinion, this is the most important habit of all. Confidence makes all the other habits possible. Now, where can I buy confidence?

1 comment:

techgoddess said...

It's All Relative.. Interesting name. Tell your cousin BeBo I said Hi!