Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing 23---My Thoughts on 23 Things

The end of 23 Things. I have mixed emotions about this, so I will
go straight to the required questions:

1. I enjoyed discovering Picassa, Google Docs (especially the Power
Point like program) and Google Reader. These are all programs
that I never would have found or tried had I not participated in
this program.
2. This program has assisted me in my lifelong learning goals by
challenging me to get out there and see what is new. It has also shown me that I can still learn new tricks.
3. I think the Blogging experience was the most unexpected outcome that surprised me. I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did. I also did not expect to impress my family as much as I did after they read my Blogs. I think that they now see me in a different light---maybe a little cooler than previously.
4. I can't think of any way to improve this program----unless we got more hours for participating. I found that I spent much more than 18 hours completing all of the requirements.
5. If another program like this were to be offered in the future I would definitely participate.
6. How would I describe this program in one word or one sentence? Hmmmm.....I think the above cartoon says it all.
7. Now that I am finished....whew!!!....I feel that I am now qualified to comment on my fellow player's blogs. Watch out Tech Goddess........


VWB said...

congrats on a quick finish..I think it was the power of the headphones! o..wait they got you thru cataloging...:-)

and I am glad the family has finally realized what we already ARE cool!

Cheryl Laucher said...

Congratulations on completion of the course! Very thoroughly done. Thanks for sharing the hilarious pictures.

Scylla said...

I am WAY behind you, on Thing #12, where I need to go and comment on five blogs, now. You are my first and what I found amazing was that you and I chose the same background for our blogs, and the same "hippy" avatar! (Except for my hair, where the gray is hidden by highlights.) Enjoyed reading many of your comments.